Sunday, January 2, 2011

Trips with baby V

Her first long car ride was on day 5. Destination: Frost, MN to meet great Gma and Gpa Oswald before they headed to Arizona for the winter. She slept the whole way both there and back thank goodness. :) The whole Oswald clan was there which was super Miss V got to meet the whole crew. :) Great gpa too commented on how perfect she was so sweet to see the sparkle in their eyes getting to meet her (they hadn't seen any of their great grandkids as tiny babies since they were all born while they were in AZ).

Somewhere in between 5 days and 3 weeks (haha...didn't write down when we headed out)...around 2 weeks we headed to Target for the first time. I was CRAZY nervous CONSTANTLY thinking/worrying about what if this, what if that. I definitely have never moved through Target that fast before. All that worrying and V slept through the whole trip. :) My second trip in though...a different story- quickly after getting in the doors I found myself with a very loudly crying baby and the piercing stares. So we headed to the bathroom so I could breastfeed her while sitting on the toilet. Wasn't so bad but it IS hard to shop while holding a baby and pushing a cart. It's hard to shop with a kid/baby period, is what I've concluded. :)

At 4 weeks, Miss V made her debut at the Mall of America. I just find it so hard to shop with her...I feel so much pressure to get my ass moving- NO BROWSING MOM!!! GET GOING!!! And I can't really be at the MOA without slowly moving about the racks of amazingness. :) It went ok, thanks to Steph and Ariane who I had just picked up from the airport. I didn't think I needed the stroller but I did have the carrier. Again, I continue to learn the hard you have your baby in the carrier, and you're carrying the diaper bag and all your purchases and things you are wanting to buy...not bright. What did we learn? Neither Vera, nor I (at this juncture in time) have the stamina for the MOA. :) And always bring the stroller- even if it's just to carry all my garbage. :)

At 7 wks...we made the 3.5 hour trek to Sioux Falls for Xmas...or at least that's what it would have been if there wasn't a horrible snowstorm thus nearly doubling the amount of time it normally takes. 6 hours later we arrived at our destination. Vera was such a champ!!! Since we left around 8pm V was in sleep-mode so we only needed to stop once for her to eat...otherwise she slept the whole time- thank goodness!!! On the way home, however (which took 5.5 hrs), we left during the day so we had to stop 3 times for her to eat. Lesson learned? Traveling long distances = leaving at night. :)

Getting comfortable

These first couple weeks I've been getting to know Vera and her me. The only thing to really learn about me is that she has me wrapped around her finger. :)

Vera has turned out to be a pretty gasey, spit-upy baby. Jam and I have no idea what we're doing, but we're learning. A great resource- the million other moms out there with loads of experience. :) Sarah informed me Hailey needed Little Tummy's after every feeding because she was so gasey. We tried that with Miss V...which led to immediate relief for the time being and the next day she basically heaved up her food the whole day...not exactly a desired side effect, thus the meds are saved for a last resort. We found out she really likes to be warm so we tried warming up the nanna and putting it in her bassinette before we put her in there...though we didn't really keep that up.

I love love her fuzz (lanugo)'s so cute! ....all over her back and ears. :) I also love the way she smells. I find myself constantly rubbing my cheeks on her head (which is probably why her hair fell out so fast)...haha.

We do find she does rarely take a pacifier when forced and the moons are aligned...haha...aka when she is in the car and I'm sitting next to her not allowing her to spit it out. :)

Miss Vera

Vera Vera. Where to start. We just love this girl so much...there aren't even words. I've never ever known love like this. She is so perfect and Jamie and I say it out loud at least 20 times a day. There seems to be a bit of external validation of this as well. ;)

She is very alert with her BIG peepers checking everything out- she doesn't miss a thing! She has loads of expressive faces which keep me entertained 24/7. I just love it. Jamie's favorite is her frown's pretty funny. I can't even pick- I love them all- they all make me smile. :) She is EXTRAORDINARILY snuggly- loves loves to be held all the fact, she cannot fall asleep unless being held. Boy does she have a set of lungs on her- VERY noisy cries. We tried to swaddle her initially but she HATED it...she would kick, kick, kick until her arms were out cause she loves to have her arms up by her head/face. She will not take a pacifier- just gags and cries harder when we try (and we've tried them all). She seems to have a fascination with her fingers/fist cause she's always trying to get them in her mouth...think she'll be a thumb sucker. What Vera loves the most- the boob. She would have it ALL THE TIME (and initially I let her) if she could- particularly when she's hungry, tired, bored, had the hiccups or gas. I'm starting to learn her cries since they seem to mean different things- a quick high pitched cry for gas, lower cry if she wanted to be picked up, intermittent crying for sleepiness. I didn't really ever let her get so hungry she cried. Sometimes, especially when she's hungry- gets really frantic- flailing her arms/hands around her face/mouth/head and breathing really fast. Kinda silly. :) She HATES to be held lying down...only upright...but she would let you know it (by squirming/crying very loudly until I figured it out).

Vera is GORGEOUS! As of right now we think she has my nose, cheeks/face shape, and ears and Jamie's chin, eyes, smile, brow, and body type with her big hands/feet and skinny legs. She didn't have any milia or cradle cap. P.E.R.F.E.C.T. :)

I am in constant awe of her. It really is so amazing to think we created this little person. ...then I pat us on the back for doing such a damn good job...haha. :) I love snuggling with her. And the first song I heard that made me cry, Carrie Underwood's "mama's song." The whole world has changed and how I view it is so different, I already am not sure how I saw things pre-Vera. I LOVE holding her and snuggling, especially when she's sleeping on my chest (her favorite way to sleep). Her smile, even though it's just a reflex at this time, absolutely melts me. Jamie is constantly smiling and staring at her with the sweetest look as he whispers, "she is so perfect," and "she is so beautiful." It's really the cutest thing I've ever seen. what?

Night 1 was the most confusing night of my life to would have thought we were trying to solve the Rubix cube or something. Seriously... It got to be night and we were like, now what? What are we going to do? Where is she going to sleep? Where am I going to sleep? Am I going to feed her in bed or get up or what? Oh wait, there's no night light in the nursery (and no light bulb in the lamp in the nursery). Honestly! We had nothing set up or ready and how strange was it that we hadn't even gone through this very moment in our heads prior to bringing her home. Yikes! Talk about unprepared (...though I'm sure it could have been worse).

Initial arrangements: Vera slept in the infant-to-toddler rocker or on a positioner in the bassinette from Nolie next to the bed. Every 2 hours (though I never let her get to the point of crying) when she was squirmy I would get up, take her to the nursery, and feed her in the chair and bring her back in to put her down in the bassinette. Every squeak and squirm and odd noise, I would get up and look at her to see what was going on and quickly wipe away any spit up. I think it worked out alright and I don't think I would have done anything different looking back.

After arriving home, particularly since I was alone with Vera for the next couple weeks, and VERY sleep deprived, and had NO CLUE what I was doing- my craaaazy emotions took over. I've been told these crazy feelings are normal but I'm not sure emotions were ALL OVER THE PLACE. One second I was elated and the very next I was crying for no reason. Jamie had mentioned several times prior to delivery how I would want someone with me after she's born and was all like, yah, yah, whatever Jam... In retrospect, I do wish I had had someone but of course at the time I was too proud or some stupid shit like that. Jamie was back and school and I was basically a single mom for 2 weeks (until Jam had a break for Thanksgiving). It was a little rough, I'm not gonna lie. Most of it was sheer extreme sleep deprivation (since I'm like a wet towel when I don't get my 8 hours...haha). Occassionally I felt like a pit in my stomach and anxiety about taking care of this little person completely dependant on me. Sometimes I was sad though I'm not really sure why...probably that Jamie wasn't there experiencing all these things with me. There were tears because I was so so so happy too. Jam was a little worried since the tears kept on rolling for a couple days (so worried he even talked to his mom about it). Then, like a light switch I was fine...guess that's what they call the postpartum blues.

I now understand when people say they didn't have time to eat. Our little Miss V is kind of a needy gal but mostly cause she LOVES LOVES LOVES to snuggle...loves it so much she cries when she's not being snuggled. ha. :) I don't mind though cause I LOVE LOVE LOVE to snuggle too. :) Not only that but when home with her, and snuggling, I don't really feel like getting up and taking the time to make some garbage lunch. I hated fixing lunch pre-Vera! Basically cereal remains the greatest food group EVER!!! :)

in as 2, out as 3 (a complete family)

After delivery, we were in the hospital a couple days. Annoyingly cause I delivered in the wee hours of the morning, I technically had to stay 2 more nights. I really didn't want to since things were going so well- no problems with pain or breastfeeding...but we stayed until Thurs.

Jam missed 1.5 days of anatomy (head and neck...the hardest section) to be with us in the hospital.

While in the hospital, I was on cloud 9. Everything was perfect and I had a smile painted on my face the entire time. ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!!!

Vera didn't have any problem latching on to breastfeed but was cluster feeding (aka feeding for like 1.5 hours at a time with me alternating boobs every 20 minutes or so). My nipples were sore (but lanolin cream helped). She never really latched on very deep but I guess it works for us.

Sleep deprivation to the ultimate degree was in full force. We did send Vera out to the nursery both nights which I felt guilty about. The only thing that made it ok was knowing she would be back in a very short time to eat (for a very long time). I was thankful for the small amount of rest I was able to get.

We had quite a few visitors during our hospital stay:
Day 1: Sarah, Mom, Cindy, the Hoffmans, Nettie & Dylan, Jill (but because Ida was sick, Jill didn't get to hold her), Mitch/Becky and the kids, and a patient
- in retrospect it was probably too many visitors cause I didn't get to rest at all during the day (and only had about 3 hours of sleep since V was born)...but I was too happy to even notice how tired I the adrenaline just kept me go go going.
Day 2: Sarah, Jill, Dad, Otter and Hailey
Day 3: Sarah and Lisa

It did suck Jamie had to go back to class while we were still in the hospital but having had anatomy in the past, I completely understood why.

Leaving day was interesting as I packed up all of our crap (thank goodness Vera slept during that part). Jam showed up in time to pick us up. We had never even played with the carseat, nor had either of us really have any experience with was like a friggin science project getting her in there and buckled...difficult mostly cause she was so small. Seemed crazy we were taking her home but I was still oober excited. Jam strolled up in the car and we were off! After bringing us home, Jam sadly had to return basically immediately to get back to class which sucked. So it was just Miss V and I the rest of the day.

Post-pregnancy stats

Well, I am so happy and Grandma Otterness passed down a body meant for having babies. Grandma O. told me a story of when she delivered Gary, she left the hospital in her regular clothes- a tight brown polka-dotted dress. :)

Postpartum day 1: 74.7 kg (week 1 = 150 lbs) and body basically back to normal. I was back in to my pre-pregnancy clothes though I will say I am in no way shape or form toned. Pure jiggle jello madness. Pre-pregnancy I was in pretty good shape...and obviously post-pregnancy I am not. My belly is not the same, with a nice dark line all the way down it (that doesn't appear it will be leaving anytime soon) and a little stretched out.

Boobs: oh holy Jesus...(see a later post for details on this ridiculousness) 34 H, and hangs out around my belly button...oi oi oi.

Managed to avoid stretch marks and tattoo distortion. +1 hemorrhoid. Belly piercing was maintained and the regular ring is back in.

There is some serious "rebuilding" for this body...but not at this juncture in time...maybe later. :) ...cause no one expects me to look good and I don't need to be in a swimsuit for 6 months or more. :)