Thursday, March 31, 2011


THANK GOODNESS!! VERA FOUND HER THUMB!! The sirens screamed and angels sang. This, my friends, is a beautiful thing. She is VERY serious about the thumb-sucking too. And Jamie and I have to say it's the cutest thing we've ever seen. Thumb in mouth with those big ol' peepers looking onward. LOVE.IT. :):)

As soon as she found her thumb, we all got a little more sleep at night. Everyone was jealous when I told them at 8 weeks V started sleeping through the night. She was sleeping 6.5-7 hours at a time and it was PURE BLISS! :)

It was this time when Jam and I busted out a new bottle, First Years (Breastflow) and she TOOK IT!!! Woo hooooooo!!!

We spent New Years' Eve with Dad, Cin, Brad, and Kenny at Dad/Cin's place. I will admit we were pretty lame. At 8pm we were all like "ugh!!!! we'll never make it!!" most of us took a nap to ensure we had the energy to maintain the midnight tradition. I will be the first to say running around the house this year was THE WORST YEAR TO DATE! The snow had melted and got super hard. We started running on the gravel which was the BEST part, if you can believe that. Then we ran onto the hard ice. It was like someone hit a slow-mo button...I could barely move as I cursed. I was trying to step on top of the ice, but shockingly that didn't work so my ankles and feet were getting all cut up. It hurt so bad (and for days actually). I'm not sure if it was terrible because of the ice or the fact that I was carrying out this family tradition completely sober for the first time...needless to say a bad combination.