Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Weeks 21-25: movement and nesting

I FELT HER MOVE FINALLY!!!!!!! At 21 weeks, while I was lying in bed, waiting for Jamie to get out of the shower, I felt Omar for the first time. It was so amazing. It was just like everyone had said- that it feels kind of like gas but not. So happy. :):):) The next evening Jamie even got to feel her move- the look on his face was priceless- sheer surprise with a smile, "wow! was that it? (making sure we were on the same page...)" She doesn't move very often now...mostly at night when I'm lying in bed.

All of a sudden I've turned from a social butterfly with a need to galavant about, filling my day with loads of activities of which HOME was last on my list places I wanted to be ---> to the COMPLETE opposite. I no longer feel like leaving my house...not even to shop (dare I say)!!! This MUST be the "nesting" thing I've heard about. Never thought I'd be in this position. Starting to really get excited about registering, the nursery, setting up daycare, working in my garden

Week 20: just not fair...

Week 20: Kind of a rough week, family-wise...Kenny has been really down about not getting pregnant, and I am "getting" to hear about how she relates to every other female that's had a miscarriage...I'm sad for her. Hoping she starts to feel better soon. Jenny also called with terrible news- she had been pregnant with triplets, but unfortunately in her 7th week she lost them. We are all devastated. Jamie is particularly handling the situation with difficulty. We had a doppler ultrasound the day after her news and though we were extremely happy to hear Omar's heartbeat, it was bittersweet knowing Jenny and Tyler won't have that same experience. It's not fair. People who couldn't give 2 shits about having kids are carelessly/thoughtlessly procreating- neglecting their children or putting them up for adoption. How is it worthless people can make babies? It should be in their genetic makeup that if their IQ is less than x or if they suck at life, they would be unable to procreate...and smart, amazing potential people who are productive in society should be able to get pregnant pretty much on demand. That's how it SHOULD be.

Hailey asks, "Kara, when is your baby coming out?" :) She's excited for a new girl cousin.