Saturday, February 6, 2010

where to go...'s been a while since my last entry and mostly cause I'm not sure where to go with this thing. Don't get me wrong, I've got plenty to write about... I initially wanted to start writing about growing up and the madness that leads me to today, but then I wanted to share my random thoughts too long for a facebook update...hmmm...

I think I will devote my next couple, or several, or even many entries to some of the travel experiences I have had. Now most of these experiences have been with's how I knew we could get married actually...I can tolerate him traveling, cause when you travel you are put in every circumstance from extremely stressful to pure bliss. See, the thing is with us is that different things stress us out, thus allowing the other (carefree) one to point out the sheer ridiculousness going on thereby leading to laughter (well, not usually right away). :) I bust Jamie's balls a lot, but it's more for the laughs...I don't mean anything by it. :)

See, Jamie and I studied abroad together in Scotland in the spring of 2004, which was THE most amazing thing I have done to date...please recommend it to all of your children or yourselves or whomever- it's a once in a lifetime experience you will never have the opportunity to do again. And don't carry on about the money bullshit cause I was supporting myself in's a beautiful thing called loans, and these loans are TOTALLY worth it. :)
While overseas I did quite a bit of journaling...see I only journal when I'm going on vacation...the rest of my monotonous, mundane (haha...yeah right) life I don't feel the need to journal about cause you know someone would find it and feelings would be hurt, blah blah would just be a venting catalog anyway, that's all. Anywho...I filled 2 journals while traveling Europe...unfortunately at this very moment I cannot find the first one (stay probably 1 years' time, I will have found it...haha), but I will share (pretty much verbatim) some of my entries. Here we go...Kapplinger (well, Otterness/Kapplinger) adventures- ALL ABOARD!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. :)
    Rich and I traveled together AFTER we got married. I was soooo relieved when it went well.
