Friday, February 25, 2011

spandex to spanx

Just wondering why I couldn't have my pre-baby body back? My wardrobe, and thereby my self-esteem, is garbage. Maybe when I lost weight pre-baby, I shouldn't have changed out my entire wardrobe for a closet full of spandex. Seriously, I think all I owned was tight, little clothes (which was wonderful when I was in the best shape I'd been in 10 yrs).

I realize this is not a novel or shocking statement but my body is just not the same, post-baby. My boobs go from deflated tube socks to engorged volleyballs...I think my thighs grew and I'm not sure WHY they would need to...I've got this little belly flap of skin that makes every piece of spandex clothing I have NOT work. Every day I have to evaluate- do I go over the flap, divide the flap, or go under the flap? And with my shirts...can't be too tight cause then I am either battling the bulge or the annoying breast pad outline through my giant, expensive (yet uncomfortable) maternity bra. But I'm not really interested in sporting tents or garbage bags either since I've lost most of the baby weight. Dilemma, dilemma. Sure wish I didn't have to dress up every day.

1 comment:

  1. I SO understand.
    The skin flap shrinks over time. Never skip lotion.
    You are so beautiful!
    In just a few short months, you'll start to feel like your regular old self again. I promise!
