Thursday, February 24, 2011

Now who's the scrooge! (5 wks)

- For the first time in a LONG time I was not a scrooge this year...too bad my counterpart (for the first time in a long time) was... I really wanted to bust out the Xmas decorations and get a real tree and do it up for Vera's first Xmas, but I wanted to do it as a family- decorating together and baking Xmas cookies. We only got about 1/2 decorated...but, it's not like she knows the difference...oh well.

- we got a WICKED blizzard this week...thankful to be inside snuggling with my little one. :)
- I have been constantly thinking about and worried about creating bad habits... I try to remind myself she's only 5's a bit early to be worried about it. But really, when is the time when I start making habits???? Someone tell me when that magical time is so I know when I need to make changes...
- well, we TRIED a bottle = NIGHTMARE. Tried and failed. Stay tuned.
- she can ALMOST find her thumb...almost.
- Jam and I bee-bopped down to SG so Vera could meet Great Grandma Otterness and as a bonus got to meet Great Aunt Diane too! V was possessed by gas demons during most of our visit, but Gma was not phased as she snuggled and patted V's back. Love that old persistence and patience. :)
- Jenny had a HUGE scare with the twins (at 19 wks) and ended up in the hospital needing a cervical cerclage since she started dilating/effacing. They were able to stop labor and eventually sent her home on strict foot up, laid back bed rest.

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