Saturday, October 2, 2010

36 wks- slowing down...

Cassie knight in shining armor came to my rescue with her little man E-dogg. She came whizzing through our house like my auntie Diane minus all the throwing away dinger does. She buzzed around me, running circles around me and got so much done!! We got decor up on the wall and put stuff away...basically got settled in my house. So so so appreciative of her weekend here and what a weight off my shoulders. :)

I'm really starting to slow down. It's no longer possible to be productive past 8pm. Super tired but can't sleep...I actually started writing notes for this post from 3am to back hurts so I can't get comfortable in bed. It's so annoying and frustrating. Everyone says, "you just wait...this is the beginning..." I think I've mentioned how obnoxious those statements are...I'd rather be tired and waking up to a baby than just uncomfortable, tired, and not able to sleep. At least that's what I think anyway cause I've not had the first and if Omar comes out with horns and vocal cords, I'm sure I'd be wishing to be uncomfortable.

I'm feeling AND looking really big, and undesirable and swollen. Bums me out.

Selma, Kenny, and Sarah came over for a belly cast party. :) It was pretty fun! Definitely a 3-person job. I had to lather up in vaseline and sit there in my undies...kinda odd but I've gotten to the point where I don't really give a shit. I decided on a hand-over-boobs position...definitely don't need a cast of how big and saggy the girls are, so a little lift/boost was exactly what I needed. Slathered in vaseline- a REAL sexpot. :) To get my whole belly I had to either stand or go on my knees so I chose kneeling...however after about 30 minutes, I started to feel queasy and dizzy...nearly passing out. A bit rough...Sarah sprinted to get me water, cool washcloth and fanning me...haha...Kenny and Selma continued working like busy little bees. :) Despite all that, it was fun- a different experience that's for sure. I didn't decorate it. Plan to put Omar's little feet in ink and stamp the belly once she's out and probably take pics of her in the belly part, but we'll see. Otherwise I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that big 'ol cast. :)

It's so much fun to put the nursery together and really get it ready for use. Cassie helped me pick out a bunch of stuff and after unpacking/washing all the new goodies from showers, I feel much more prepared. I REALLY love all the teeny tiny onesizies- they are sooooooo small...crazy to think something that small would even fit her and I won't be convinced until she's out and wearing them. :)

Jam and I made a run to the cities to pick up the breast pump, hit up IKEA, and while up there got to meet Amy's baby Sophia...crazy/awful she was born at the end of March and we are just now meeting her. She is so adorable- looks just like Amy with Ben's eyes. :)

Finally took some couple pics together. Got some cute ones though there are several more I would like to take with him...we'll see if we get around to that before she's born.

Jam finished the rough-in...and passed inspection- whoop! Now for the sheet-rocking, mudding and taping. Oi, what a project.

We had Bosley's wedding at the end of this week in Sioux Falls. Thankfully Jamie wasn't in the wedding which would have required our presence MUCH earlier than we showed up (right in time for the ceremony on Saturday). Probably would have had more fun if I could have instead I indulged on candy...haha.

My dogs are barkin!! The poor high arches of my feet are barely supporting all this added weight these days. What's worse (which is arguable) is that I don't really have any shoes with arch supports since they are so cheap...plentiful and cheap. Basically work has been a little rough though I thankfully get to sit quite a bit.

Only 4 weeks left!!! I think she's coming early. I was sure she'd be late earlier in the pregnancy but the closer I get to due date, and yet we're still not logistically ready for her to be here, I keep thinking she'll come. Or it could be the fact that the last 10 people I've spoken to delivered early on their first. So I guess it's more oober hoping she comes early.

What's left that's big...write down birth plan, pre-register at Mayo, order car seat/travel system, clean, thank-you's and finish basement...haha...guess we will prioritize. :)

36 wk prenatal check: 24 lbs weight gain total, picture perfect course which I'm so thankful for, GBS testing- turned out positive- boo!, HEAD DOWN! woo hoooooo!!! weekly check-ups now

Worries: tearing, not knowing what to expect for labor, hoping there are no horns, having everything ready, when I want guests after she's born, breastfeeding, my emotions after birth...afraid I won't have a connection with her right away

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a great job!
    For the record, I HATE it when people say, "If you think it's bad now..." Or, "Just wait..." I almost wrote to you tonight, actually. I hate, hate, HATE it. There is no possible way to be less encouraging. Ugh.
    Sorry. Soapbox.
    All your worries are totally normal, Mama. You're going to do an awesome job, though. Your body is MEANT to do this! :)
    A book that really helped me feel empowered and less scared, and actually helped me go pain-med free this time around was called "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" by Ina May Gaskin. It was very empowering. Be warned, though, it's pretty...natural. I'm sure you could get it at your library.
    Thanks for posting! I've been wondering how you're doing. Please let me know if I can do anything for you, my friend.
    Holy novel, Batman. Sorry.
