Saturday, October 30, 2010

40 wks...and still pregnant


There are some things I'll miss about being pregnant: sympathy all the time ...what I don't understand is how new moms don't get more sympathy- they're losing sleep and have it at least AS rough as a pregnant person (minus the inability to move); elastic waist bands; not having to suck in; the ability to eat whatever whenever I want (not that I really took that much advantage of it); feeling her move around MOST of the time; most of the attention I got (people always smiling at me and so pleasant and excited about what is to come for us).

I'm excited for: SEEING HER, starting traditions, doing really fun things with her and her cousins like sleepovers and baking and shopping, watching/seeing Jamie with her.

I FINALLY delivered Miss Vera Kay Kapplinger Nov. 2 (due date Oct. 30). Best day of my life to date. :) This pregnancy is OVER- peace! :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

39 ride's over Omar...

39 weeks: weight = 79.6 kg, barely dropped, still swollen, emotionally labile (spontaneously crying without warning or cause), but overall feel good this week

Jamie reports the birthing process is not a beautiful thing...instead, it's like watching a dog rip up your favorite stuffed animal. Haha...nice Jamie.

People remain annoying and likely will be until I deliver. "you're still here." EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Really? Do people think I want to hear that or that I didn't know it? I'm not even due yet! Oh, and a new favorite, "you're still working???" I have to say it again...really? What would I do at home? Pace around waiting for her to come. No thanks, I'll pass the time at work and save my PTO for post-partum. And please, save your breath with the anecdotes- everything people told me (have sex! stimulate your nipples, walk, jump on the trampoline, eat this, eat that)- all BOLOGNA!! The likelihood that any of that garbage works is probably sheer coincidence. Keep your ridiculous coincidental anecdotes for induction to yourself...cause you sound really stupid when you say that crap out loud. I have also been getting daily texts and phone calls- did you have her? What's funny (well, not really) about that is that they're from people I'm really close with, like I wouldn't send them a text when the deed is done.

These skin tags make me crazy. I hope they go away after delivery.

Right now I have a whole mix of emotions (besides labile...haha). Some days I'm super excited and ready for her to come out and other days I don't feel like I'm ready at all. It's a little overwhelming to think I/we will be responsible for a human life. Hope we don't screw it up. :/ Overall, I'm pretty anxious about birth- the unknown is a pretty awful feeling...more because I know all the possible complications and every birth experience is different. I wonder what mine will be like?

Jam, Ryan, Bennett, and I went to a med school Halloween party. Again, another one of those moments I really needed to be drunk for to have any fun. All those little kids (ages 21-24, aka babies). Normally I wouldn't care how old anyone was, but the fact that I was pregnant and sober made me feel REALLY old and thus I was treated that way. Nonetheless, Jamie and I went as bacon and an egg. It was pretty cute (for the 15 minutes we spent to make them). Bennett and Ryan went as an epididymis and testicle (Bennett was on Ryan's back...pretty funny but a total shit one had any idea what they were). That was the other problem, the med students were in anatomy so people came as weird anatomic structures- really? Such odd/awkward people...

The nursery is finally completely finished- I whipped out the black toule crib skirt Mom started and hung it up. Whoop! It's so cute!!

So sweet. My patients and co-workers have been really sweet and sympathetic that I haven't delivered yet. The guys keep informing me I must feel terrible (please, you have NO idea and I wouldn't assume how any pregnant person feels and lastly open your trap about it...could be dangerous...haha).

Sunday, October 17, 2010

38 wks...feelings on turning 80 years old overnight...

38 weeks pregnant = morphing in to a geriatric patient overnight. All of my joints hurt; I'm actually looking forward to and only wear "comfy" shoes (the stilettos have been collecting dust for some time now); I move at snail pace; I'm either sleeping or wish I was sleeping virtually every minute of the day... I'm not incontinent...yet anyway but I am up 11 times/night to pee. The only perk of being pregnant at this point is knowing the fact that these things will go away after delivery...hopefully. :)

Well, we FINALLY cleaned our disgusting cars out. Jamie tosses in the car seat base, and much to our EXTREME disappointment the car seat itself doesn't fit in the car!!! What?!?! I had never thought about the car seat not fitting behind the seats- wtf! Our little Mazda 3 hatchback = :( Jamie has to put his seat so far back it doesn't fit behind his seat or in the middle (it's all kiddy-wompus there). So it's behind the passenger seat which is very erect and almost in the dashboard...guess mom will be sitting in the back seat with Omar. How annoying!! We did venture out for a couple days to look at other vehicles but seriously, with all the things going on currently, we just didn't have the energy/time to buy/trade a new vehicle. Sucks. I mean why not buy a house, have a baby, start school, and buy a car. Oi!

This week I finished decorating nursery and Nolie brought up the bassinette. Very exciting! Jam continues to plug away at basement- sheet-rocking. I am so thankful for him- he truly is amazing- always there for me and then so smart to be useful around the house, and so rarely complains. Fantastic.

I CAN.NOT.WAIT to get body back. This has been an amazing experience but I'm ready for it to be done. My emotions have been oc as well...oi oi oi- crying spontaneously for no reason and feeling like I could any time = not fun. And, to top it all off, I have leaky boobs = awesome.

I've lost 0.4 kg (aka fluid...ha! I knew it!). The midwives still haven't checked my effacement/dilation because it doesn't matter! I could have no progression and deliver tomorrow or have some progression and deliver in 2 weeks so there really is no need to go fishing around in there making me uncomfortable...and the midwife said, "well, I know I don't care...haha" And can I just tell you how annoying everyone is?? With constant commentary, every day and many times a day, "you're still here?? (well I'm due in 2 weeks jackass!)" Or "oh she's still so high!" "you're still pregnant! (duh)"...blah blah...shut up people! That doesn't make anyone feel good. How would you like me to state the obvious- oh, you're still chubby; and yup, you're still annoying.

This week, I slept in the recliner. It's comfy thank goodness.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

37 wks...anytime now Omar...

Boz and Lisa get married!! Jamie and I trekked to Sioux Falls this weekend to celebrate with the roomies. I was a little nervous being so far away from home in the event I went in to labor but I have been feeling pretty good. I did not go in to labor while there...haha...obviously. I also didn't have a super amazing time...sometimes one just needs to be drunk to have fun...this was one of those times. :)

Back to see the midwives at 37 wks: 4.5lb wt gain in one week!! I about crapped myself after hearing that. My excuse? Must be fluid overloaded...haha...though my fingers DO look like sausages and my ankles no longer exist. I hadn't really been swollen prior to this and I'll be's not super. My shoes are so tight and socks leave horrible marks in my legs = gross.

I'm not sleeping well at all... :( Thus I have decided I would rather be waking up and tired cause of a little baby than me just feeling uncomfortable.

We got nursery chair finally. We are super amped about's so comfy! Woo hoo! It was the last thing we needed before finishing the nursery. Now we are ready...haha.

Got a call this week from Jenny...she informed us after their 3rd IVF (this one was secret) they are preggers with TWINS (and 12 wks!!!!). We honestly could not be more excited or happy for them. Great great news. :):):)

I finally finished all of my thank you's, but I anticipate the almost constant need to "finish" them as gifts trickle in. I probably won't really be done until Omar is 1.

Hoooooooly Moses, I am really really draggin ass, draggin ass, draggin ass... Seems so counter-intuative to be so exhausted so close to delivering. Why would my body poop itself out before the baby even gets here?? Odd... I have been having lots more contractions, particularly with walking/standing, but nothing regular and nothing painful.

Jamie diagnosed me with carpal tunnel this week. My hands/arms kept falling asleep when I sleep since I tuck my arms in to my sides so tight. Really? Really? This is SOOOO annoying. Definitely

Mayo's new birth center opened this week. Whoop de whoop! Thanks for waiting Omar!! I took a tour and am REALLY hoping for one of the 2 big rooms with the huge ass hydrotherapy tubs. First come, first serve. Here's hopin.

Our car seat/travel system has arrived, thus we are OFFICIALLY READY TO HAVE A BABY! :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

36 wks- slowing down...

Cassie knight in shining armor came to my rescue with her little man E-dogg. She came whizzing through our house like my auntie Diane minus all the throwing away dinger does. She buzzed around me, running circles around me and got so much done!! We got decor up on the wall and put stuff away...basically got settled in my house. So so so appreciative of her weekend here and what a weight off my shoulders. :)

I'm really starting to slow down. It's no longer possible to be productive past 8pm. Super tired but can't sleep...I actually started writing notes for this post from 3am to back hurts so I can't get comfortable in bed. It's so annoying and frustrating. Everyone says, "you just wait...this is the beginning..." I think I've mentioned how obnoxious those statements are...I'd rather be tired and waking up to a baby than just uncomfortable, tired, and not able to sleep. At least that's what I think anyway cause I've not had the first and if Omar comes out with horns and vocal cords, I'm sure I'd be wishing to be uncomfortable.

I'm feeling AND looking really big, and undesirable and swollen. Bums me out.

Selma, Kenny, and Sarah came over for a belly cast party. :) It was pretty fun! Definitely a 3-person job. I had to lather up in vaseline and sit there in my undies...kinda odd but I've gotten to the point where I don't really give a shit. I decided on a hand-over-boobs position...definitely don't need a cast of how big and saggy the girls are, so a little lift/boost was exactly what I needed. Slathered in vaseline- a REAL sexpot. :) To get my whole belly I had to either stand or go on my knees so I chose kneeling...however after about 30 minutes, I started to feel queasy and dizzy...nearly passing out. A bit rough...Sarah sprinted to get me water, cool washcloth and fanning me...haha...Kenny and Selma continued working like busy little bees. :) Despite all that, it was fun- a different experience that's for sure. I didn't decorate it. Plan to put Omar's little feet in ink and stamp the belly once she's out and probably take pics of her in the belly part, but we'll see. Otherwise I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that big 'ol cast. :)

It's so much fun to put the nursery together and really get it ready for use. Cassie helped me pick out a bunch of stuff and after unpacking/washing all the new goodies from showers, I feel much more prepared. I REALLY love all the teeny tiny onesizies- they are sooooooo small...crazy to think something that small would even fit her and I won't be convinced until she's out and wearing them. :)

Jam and I made a run to the cities to pick up the breast pump, hit up IKEA, and while up there got to meet Amy's baby Sophia...crazy/awful she was born at the end of March and we are just now meeting her. She is so adorable- looks just like Amy with Ben's eyes. :)

Finally took some couple pics together. Got some cute ones though there are several more I would like to take with him...we'll see if we get around to that before she's born.

Jam finished the rough-in...and passed inspection- whoop! Now for the sheet-rocking, mudding and taping. Oi, what a project.

We had Bosley's wedding at the end of this week in Sioux Falls. Thankfully Jamie wasn't in the wedding which would have required our presence MUCH earlier than we showed up (right in time for the ceremony on Saturday). Probably would have had more fun if I could have instead I indulged on candy...haha.

My dogs are barkin!! The poor high arches of my feet are barely supporting all this added weight these days. What's worse (which is arguable) is that I don't really have any shoes with arch supports since they are so cheap...plentiful and cheap. Basically work has been a little rough though I thankfully get to sit quite a bit.

Only 4 weeks left!!! I think she's coming early. I was sure she'd be late earlier in the pregnancy but the closer I get to due date, and yet we're still not logistically ready for her to be here, I keep thinking she'll come. Or it could be the fact that the last 10 people I've spoken to delivered early on their first. So I guess it's more oober hoping she comes early.

What's left that's big...write down birth plan, pre-register at Mayo, order car seat/travel system, clean, thank-you's and finish basement...haha...guess we will prioritize. :)

36 wk prenatal check: 24 lbs weight gain total, picture perfect course which I'm so thankful for, GBS testing- turned out positive- boo!, HEAD DOWN! woo hoooooo!!! weekly check-ups now

Worries: tearing, not knowing what to expect for labor, hoping there are no horns, having everything ready, when I want guests after she's born, breastfeeding, my emotions after birth...afraid I won't have a connection with her right away

33-35 wks...showered with love

So not too many changes from last week...back pain, not sleeping and still whining about it.

We're getting ready to put our birth plan together. Basically, there isn't a whole lot of requirements/needs. I'm just going to see how things go. I'm going to try to do things as natural as I can...obviously not opposed to drugs. One of the reasons I love the midwives is they really try to offer all the natural-esk type pain control/birthing strategies. The main fear for me is tearing something fierce. Sometimes I feel guilty even saying that- like I should be concerned about pain, and Omar coming out ok, etc. Those are fears too, but I know that my support staff like the midwives, nurses, loved ones will take care of and/or relieve those. I'm actually not that worried that Omar will make it out's not like it's the 1900's and I'm delivering in the hay barn or anything. I feel confident that no matter what happens, it's something the docs/staff will have seen before and be able to deal with...I guess that's a lot of trust, but I wouldn't want it any other way seriously. There's only so many things we have control over and only so many things one can worry about. I'm not really a worry-wart...think I'll leave that to Jamie. :)

I continue to amaze, I'm just kidding. I continue to be productive and am so thankful I feel well enough to do so. I finished the painting I wanted to get done- this time the bedroom. Figured I wouldn't feel well for the whole pregnancy and once Omar gets here, I can tell you with confidence there will be no projects of that magnitude underway. And, I also wanted to get shit up on the walls/decorated so I don't have to think about that garbage either...stay tuned, Cassie Medema is due to arrive in one week to whip the decor into shape! :)

Week 34 was ABSOLUTELY INSANE. I had all 3 showers in one week. Lisa Barnes and Sarah Shaikoski, my two PA colleagues threw my work shower at Victoria's, a fantastic Italian restaurant. Who came: Kristin Holst and Lynn Sobeck from the secretaries, Dr. Nichols and Dr. Cassivi, Kari, Samantha, and Stacey from the trailer (oral maxo-facial girls), and then Amy and Charlie from the CA's/Mayo 12. They picked up a Daube's cake which was AMAZING- chocolate and unbelievable. Lisa had a couple games planned- word scramble, ? gummy bears in a bottle without going over (I was 2 over!!), memory game, and draw a baby on a paper plate on your head. :) I was/am so overwhelmed with gratitude- so surprised at everyone's generosity. I work with the best people!
That was Monday...and work the rest of the week so OOBER insane- there was only 3 of us there. I covered 2 surgeons including clinic + my clinic 4 days in a row = threats of inducing early labor and a VERY tired momma.
Saturday was the Otterness shower hosted by Kenny and Sarah at Sarah's. Appetizers/snacks littered the table. :) Who came: Ghetto and Jess, Grandma O, Deb, Diane, Jody, Grandma B, Phyllis, Selma, Mom, Sarah, Kenny, Cindy and her mom Barb. Sarah had a really fun memory game planned- matching (which I was terrible at d/t pregnant brain)...and then a candy bar went with each topic (like butterfinger for Delivery Doctor and Skor for Conception)- it was hilarious! :) Again, I was beyond spoiled with fantastic gifts. Some of my favs were the "Omar" blankie from Ariane and Steph, and Selma's homeade hats, though there were many super presents.
Sunday was the Kapplinger shower at Becky's during the Kapplinger reunion. I just love Jamie's family- they always think hard about what I would want and really tailor things to me. Who came: Grandma K, Kathy, Annette, Paula, Becky, Grandma O, Sue, Sheena, Anna, Ava, Nolie, Jill, and Jenny. The decorations were black and white and green (just like the nursery!!). The gifts for the games were gourmet foods cause Jill knows how much I love food. :) Jenny planned the funniest game- she put together cut-outs from pics of Jamie and I of our eyes, noses, mouth, hair styles, and accessories (like the bike helmet) and people had to create was so hilarious. :) We also fed Jamie, Elijah, Mitch, and Kim baby food while they were blindfolded...pretty priceless reactions (bananas, peas, beef and gravy, mac and cheese). We are so blessed to have all these fantastic people in our lives. Can't wait for Omar to meet them all. :)

Mom and I started tackling some sewing projects including whipping up curtains, a valance, an ottoman, and a fabric board. We still have the black toule crib skirt to put together. :) Thank goodness she's so creative. :)

We ordered the sectional and nursery chair- wooooooo hooooo!!! :)

At 35 weeks I started experiencing braxton hicks, which I'm sure I was having before but now is much more noticable. Kind of exciting actually- uterine contractions, despite their useless nature, seems like progress to me. :) Omar does seem to have a preference to the area just under my right rib cage...little turkey. And the turd has been scratching my cervix with her little OR NOT fingernails- EXTREMELY uncomfortable, as one could imagine. Definitely stops me in my tracks while simultaneously cringing and holding the bottom of my belly up...which has prompted several strangers to see if I was ok. Needless to say I spared them the details of explaining the sensation of what feels like a squirrel trying to claw its way out of an enclosed space and simply responded, "yup" and waddled away.