Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 5

This is the week I found out about baby!! I've decided to document each week- how I'm feeling both physically and emotionally.

SORE boobs!! I'm now wearing a bra at all times (even sleeping) because 1) it feels better, and 2) for prevention of further migration south;
BRAIN DEAD. Holy Moses, I cannot remember anything! This is actually frightening given the short-term memory loss of my husband...this better resolve or we are totally shit up a crick without paddles (cause we forgot them!);
Funky appetite. Started out all ravishing, eating everything in sight and an endless attempt to fill my hollow leg. Now it's finicky...can't eat as much, things don't taste as good
GAS...more of it. :)
TIRED. Can't tell if it's the madness that has been the last 2 weeks looking for houses aggressively and tending a plethora of basketball games and not being home last weekend...or if some of it's the pregnancy. Seems a bit crazy to think a tiny sesame seed could make me tired...though I'm sure that's not the first "crazy" of pregnancy.

So far so good- I feel pretty great actually. I'm not super labile (yet), sitting more on the positive "i love life" side. Jamie has been great and it just started. I can already tell he's going to be a super support through this whole process.
We are trying to think of a name for baby in-utero...we kinda like Omar (for now)...makes me smile.

Yesterday I had spent the day with some girlfriends and Jamie texted, "miss you and Omar." So cute. :) He was following me home later that evening and I get a text that says, "hey speedracer, you have my child on board." Haha.

We have not told many people and if it were up to Jamie NO ONE would know. You know me...with this super power of talking, it's VERY hard to's not like I carry cryptonite in my pocket. So, right now, for my sanity Sarah and Otter know (largely because Sarah's been through this and they were with us at the cabin when I was expressing the possibility) and yesterday I told Kathy and Liz (cause I just needed to share with people, and Kat's 20 weeks pregnant right now). I'm not ready to tell the whole world given the possibility of this whole thing not working out since it's so early but it IS fun if a few people know. :) I wanted to tell Kenny but she's got some semi-related issues going on...didn't seem like a good time. And the Kapplingers are greatly anticipating Jenny's in-vitro implantation this Wednesday (when I meet the midwives' nurse). Really really hoping it works out for them!! In a couple weeks, God willing, we will be able to tell people. Our midwife appointment is Mar 25...couldn't think of a better birthday present myself. :)

In the meantime, we are distracting ourselves with buying a house. Exhausting work but we look forward to having our own place! We don't want to get too excited about this pregnancy yet since, like most in this situation, we worry about miscarriage.

I also think about how it would be nice to be blissfully naive about all the problems that can happen in a pregnancy...however, medical training has stolen that away from me. Oh well...we'll take it as it comes and pray for a healthy baby.

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